A snack bar on the outskirts of a town centre has been earmarked for a student bistro.

Razvan Moca want to convert the premises at 36 Bank Top in Blackburn.

The Blackburn businessman wants to establish a stylish bistro café bar to serve the vibrant resident and student population

The proposal has been welcomed by local ward councillor Zamir Khan.

The snack bar is close to St Wilfrid's Church of England Academy.

Mr Moca has applied for planning permission to Blackburn with Darwen Council to change the use of the ground floor of the Bank Top premises.

A Design and Access Statement submitted with the application by Antony Ratcliff of Wilmslow's Cestria Partnership Limited says: "The existing ground floor property fronting onto Bank Top is currently fitted out as a snack bar.

"It is intended that this be upgraded to open as a stylish Bistro Café Bar to serve the very vibrant resident and student population.

"The interior layout will remain essentially unchanged beyond necessary fire precaution and security measures.

"These measures will be implemented in consultation with the appropriate fire and police authorities.

"Externally the poor quality white render will be renovated and the exposed brickwork cleaned and repointed.

"A new fascia board and signage will be installed.

"The current ground floor door and window framing is in good condition and will be repainted to complement the new fascia treatment.

"The existing main entrance threshold is not fully compliant with disabled access requirements and, being situated directly at back-of-pavement, an external ramp is out of the question.

"However, appropriate hand grips will be fitted to the door frame."

Blackburn Central ward's Cllr Khan said: "Provided the proposal meets the planning requirements, I am happy with it.

"There are a lot of food outlets there so one more will not make much difference.

"There are a lot of takeaways already so a bistro would be an improvement.

"I think it could be a boost to the area.

"There used to be a lot if empty shops but they seem to be filling up now.

"Bank Top appears to be on the way up and this could help that process."