POLICE who carried out an unannounced visit on a convicted sex offender found a gap in his internet history.

Blackburn magistrates heard Kamran Abdul Rashid's use of internet enabled devices was governed by the terms of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

Rashid, 39, of Johnston Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to breach of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order. He was jailed for 26 weeks and ordered to pay £154 victim surcharge on release.

The court heard Rashid was being recalled on prison licence until November.

The custodial sentence had been imposed for a previous breach when he had been with a female but also in the presence of her four children which he was prohibited from doing.

Sameena Chaudhry, prosecuting, said when police went to his home they found an internet enabled device from which the browsing history between October 18 and December 1 had been deleted.

Michael Alexander, defending, said his client maintained there was no intentional removal of his browsing history.

"It was a second hand phone and he wasn't up to speed with the settings," said Mr Alexander. "He doesn't understand why there has been a deletion but he accepts there has."