An organisation which aims to combat social isolation and to empower communities is setting up another site in East Lancs.

Men’s Sheds are places for people to meet up, make new friends, learn skills and take part in new activities in order to fight feelings on loneliness.

In East Lancs they already have sheds in Blackburn, and Burnley, and there is now another under construction in Haslingden.

There are different activities held at the sheds each day and anyone is free to attend.

Lancashire Telegraph: Two volunteers at one of the shedsTwo volunteers at one of the sheds (Image: Rossendale Men's Sheds/Facebook)

Andy Robinson, 45, runs the shed based at Haslingden Community Link and says that they are making a big difference for people.

He said: “One chap said it was the first time he’d been out of the house for four years since his wife passed away. It’s making a difference to people. People are learning new skills from each other.  

“One chap has got his own radio show because one of the people that came works on the radio so he asked if he could have a look round one day and he does about six hours a week on Rossendale Radio now.

“We’ve got another chap who lives on his own so one of the service users goes to visit him, a younger bloke visits the older bloke and checks whether he’s alright and whether he needs any shopping. One of the other chaps comes and mows his lawn.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Woodworking is one of the activities on offerWoodworking is one of the activities on offer (Image: Rossendale Men's Sheds/Facebook)

Attendees at the sheds are able to request activities that they want to do, which all go onto the timetable that Andy puts together.

“I try to facilitate them becoming friends by going on trips as well”, he said. “It’s not just playing cards with your mates, let’s go on a trip, have a chat, a bit of banter on the bus sort of thing. We went to the Imperial War Museum last week and they liked that.

“One of the other things they wanted to do was woodwork which we do on Fridays at the veterans centre since we’re partnered with them. The other thing they wanted to do was walking so we do that on Thursdays with Whitworth and I do it on Tuesdays around the Grane Road area.”

Another of the sessions that has had a lot of success is the Dads N Hair class, where dads, grandads and even mums who struggle with the task to come along and learn how to dress up their daughters’ hair.

One took place last Saturday and another is happening this Saturday, and it was so well-received that Andy has already asked the hairdresser who came in about doing another session in April.

Lancashire Telegraph: Attendees at the Dads N Hair classAttendees at the Dads N Hair class (Image: Rossendale Men's Sheds/Facebook)

Another upcoming event will see an experienced bike mechanic come in and teach people how to mend their own bikes rather than having them serviced.

They will offer all the advice and provide space and tools for attendees to bring their own bikes and be taught how to carry out their own repairs.

When asked about how much he enjoys his job, Andy added: “It's very rewarding. I enjoy my job. I used to be a primary school teacher for about 14 years before. With my wife being a primary school teacher as well we didn’t spend much time with our daughter.

“She’s started high school and we want to be there for her more, so my wife said why don’t you apply for this? I applied for it and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.”