Police and Trading Standards have seized counterfeit toys and e-cig products from shops in Burnley.

It follows checks carried out by Burnley Neighbourhood Policing team and local Trading Standards teams on illegal tobacco and e-cig products.

Items seized included counterfit doormats meant to be Versace, Chanel and Jimmy Choo, but instead were fakes.

A police spokesperson said: "Legislation states that e-cig items require a UK distribution address, and they must specify 800 puffs or less per item and must have a raised triangle to indicate to the blind that it contains chemical substances.  

"When purchasing toys, check it has either a UK or EU address to ensure you can contact the company with any issues.  

"Also, check it has a UK conformity Assessed (UKCA) mark or CE mark. Trading standards will continue to inspect local shops in the area to make sure they are meeting the above guidelines."

Lancashire Telegraph: