NEW government figures show that Blackburn with Darwen's economy is growing faster than the national average.

But they also reveal that one tenth of the borough's shop have shut since 2017.

They growth figure, driven by the industrial sector, has been welcomed by council leader Cllr Phil Riley and his Conservative group counterpart Cllr John Slater.

But both have expressed concern at the fall in retail.

The statistics from the government's national business rates revaluation were discussed at Thursday night's meeting of Blackburn with Darwen Council's executive board.

They compare the gross rateable value of businesses in the borough at November 2022 with that in 2017.

The figures show that overall it has risen by 8.4 per cent with the industrial sector up by 20.2 per cent, office valuations up by 7.9 per cent and other businesses by 9.8 per cent.

But the business rates valuation of retail premises is down by 10.9 per cent.

The report by finance director Dean Langton notes: " The gross rateable value for the Blackburn with Darwen area has increased by 8.4 per cent.

"This increase in rateable value compares favourably with both the national picture for England which overall has seen an increase in of 7.3 per cent and the North-West where the rateable value on average has increased by 7.4 per cent.

"Further work is necessary to understand what the impact of the revaluation will be on the council’s share of retained business rates."

Cllr Riley said: "It is good to see there has been good growth in Blackburn with Darwen's industrial sector.

"This reflects the work put in to support the borough's economy.

"I am pleased these figures demonstrate that an upward trajectory of growth.

"The retail sector has suffered from the Covid pandemic, working from home and people not going into town centres and the trend towards online shopping.

"Hopefully the general growth will have beneficial consequences for this sector."

Cllr Slater said: "These figures are to be welcomed.

"They show the impact of private sector growth on Blackburn with Darwen.

"Hopefully the Darwen Town Deal and investment in Darwen's market and retail sector and the new owners and ideas at Blackburn's The Mall will benefit shopping in the borough."