An early year’s teacher is transferring her nursery skills to launch a new messy play business in Barnoldswick.

On New Year’s Eve, Victoria Adams, 30, decided to start up her own messy play business when she noticed that there were hardly any places for parents to take their children over the weekend.

After spotting a gap in the market and noticing a high demand for messy play, Victoria wasted no time and set up Messy Munchkins, which is set to launch at the end of this month.

Messy play is a form of activities for infants and toddlers that allows the children to explore different materials, encouraging their natural curiosity.

Lancashire Telegraph:

The mum-of-three said: “I decided to start the business because I wanted to give something back to the community on the weekend.

“The options are very limited and just offers soft play, so I know how hard it is. I’ve worked full times and there’s so much to do in the week with the little ones but this way dads can come and get involved too.”

Messy Munchkins will offer three different age-appropriate sessions for children aged 0 to five and will be following the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) curriculum so literacy, maths, ad some science experiments will be included in the sessions for toddlers.

Victoria added: “The sessions will be 45 minutes for each age group and will go at the kids’ pace, and won’t be too structured or teacher led but will incorporate learning.

“I’ve never been to anything like this before myself. I used to know a lady who used to run messy play in Barnoldswick but she stopped running that so there’s a demand.

“It’s just me running it at the minute but I’m used to planning and organising as a teacher. I hope that they find it fun and interesting and want to come back. It’s great for parents because they don’t have to clean up the mess.

“I just want the children to have a good time and interact. It is really good fun.

“I’ve already been approached by a lot of mums from Clitheroe who are interested so hopefully in the near future the business will branch out there.”

The pre-school years session will start at 10am to 10.45am. The toddlers session will run from 11am to 11.45am and the babies session is from 12pm to 12.45pm.

Victoria added: “I just want to make it inclusive for everyone. Children with disabilities will accommodated and allergies will be catered for so it’s really inclusive and accessible for anyone.”

Councillor Chris Church said: "The fantastic response to existing activities like Barnoldswick Beach tells us that local children and families would love to see such a facility in the town.

"I know by the reaction to messy/soft play initiatives elsewhere what a positive effect they can have on the development of young children. I am sure Messy Munchkins would be very welcome and a great success here."

The messy play will take launch on January 28 at Barnoldswick Civic Hall every Saturday. Each session cost £5 or £45 for a block of ten sessions.