AN East Lancs councillor has recalled thinking about suicide and feeling he faced a ‘death sentence’ after first being diagnosed with HIV.

But today Rossendale's Steve Hughes says he is ‘living proof’ progress in medicine and other changes mean people with HIV can live long and happy lives.

Despite the changes, stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV issues remain, including abuse and people losing their jobs. Much more awareness is needed both in the UK and overseas,  the councillor believes.

He described his own personal experiences and emotions, from despair to hope, at the latest full meeting of Rossendale Council. 

It came as all political parties unanimously supported a motion calling for a range of publicity and activity to support World AIDS Day and awareness of HIV issues.

Cllr Hughes, a Labour councillor, said: ” World Aids Day is important for various reasons. It allows us to stand in solidarity with those we have lost and to reflect where we have come from. It’s also important for me personally, as someone who lives with HIV.

“Before 2016, I knew very little about HIV. I was an openly gay man – and still am – but I knew little about HIV in the past.  I later got involved with the Terrence Higgins Trust.

“Back in December 2016, I was diagnosed with HIV. I will never forget that day and the weeks after. Those were probably the worst days of my life.

“I had suicidal thoughts and felt absolutely ashamed. It felt like a death sentence. My life would be cut short.

“Following my diagnosis, I looked at videos on You Tube. But that was one of the worst things I could have done. Some of the videos from the 1980s were old government TV adverts featuring tombstones.”

He was referring to the ‘Don’t Die of Ignorance’ adverts. One featured a tombstone being engraved with ‘AIDS’. Another had an iceberg.

He then said: “Now, I can look back and think my reaction in the past was a bit dramatic.

"But there was a reason for my reaction. If you look back at those 1980s adverts or you watched the more-recent TV drama, It’s A Sin, which was set in that era, you will realise how influential those messages were.  But there has been very little activity since.

“Because of my status, I have been called things like ‘dirty’, ‘unclean’ and ‘death-spreader’ . And some of this has been recent.

“Today, I work for the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). Our work includes representing people who have lost their jobs because of their HIV status. But so much has changed since the 1980s. I am living proof of that.

“The government has made a commitment but education and investment are key. Sex education needs to be better including about STDs [sexually-transmitted diseases]. There also needs to be investment in developing countries too because this is a global issue.

“We need to be make sure that people know they can get effective treatment, so they know they will not pass-on HIV.

“When I was diagnosed in 2016, my house-mate at the time said things would turn-out okay. It turned out he was right.

"But so many people in the developing world don’t get the support, treatment or education they need. We need global action. That’s why we need World Aids Day.”

Councillors applauded him at the end of his speech. They then formally backed the motion.

Conservative Cllr Scott Smith had put forward the motion.  He said: “It’s a privilege to propose this for World AIDS Day and, in particular, to get cross-party support. This is the first cross-party motion at Rossendale Council for years, I understand.

“I also praise Cllr Steve Hughes for his public statement about his past and about progress with HIV treatment.

Cllr Smith added:”Why is a motion like this needed? It is important to talk about sexual issues, which many Lancastrians perhaps do not talk about.

"Also, unfortunately, progress in medicine is not being matched by a reduction in the stigma associated with HIV issues. We are seeing stories about people losing their jobs and other things entirely on the basis of a medical condition.

“Facts need to be understood. People with HIV can live long, healthy and happy lives.

“We also need to remember those who have suffered and raise awareness with the red ribbons and flags.”

The motion stated: “Rossendale Council notes that World AIDS Day in December is an opportunity to show support and solidarity for people living with HIV. Furthermore, we remember those who have lost their lives to AIDS and we honour them by breaking-down the stigma of living with HIV.

“We fully support World AIDS Day and supports the objectives of the national HIV Action Plan, which are:

* Ensuring effective co-ordination of prevention, treatment and care

* Reducing levels of undiagnosed HIV and transmission in the UK

* Effective monitoring of HIV resources and improved accountability.

The motion added: “We will fly the red ribbon flag on December 1 each year on World AIDS Day and during the week after we will promote the sale of red ribbons at public points controlled by the council.

“Rossendale Council further notes that, thanks to advances in clinical treatment, people living with HIV can live long, healthy, fulfilling lives

" People living with HIV have their rights protected under the Equality Act 2010. The council recognises a number of voluntary organisations including the National AIDS Trust, Renaissance UK, George House Trust and Terence Higgins Trust and commends them for their work in helping people living with HIV and their families.”