The property arm of Blackburn's billionaire Issa brothers business empire has applied for detailed planning permission for a new commercial unit on the edge of a Burnley industrial park.

Monte Blackburn Ltd want to build a 50,000 square metre industrial/warehouse unit with ancillary office floor space, car parking, servicing area and landscaping.

The site, which already has outline planning permission, is located off Accrington Road (A679) and lies to the South West of the existing Network 65 Industrial Estate near Hapton.

A supporting statement submitted to Burnley Council says: "The site is currently greenfield farmland and forms a key gateway development site to Burnley.

"The site has been identified in Burnley Council's adopted local plan as an allocated employment development site

"The outline development will be phased.

"An application has been made for the approval of the reserved matters relating to the creation of the new site access and inclusive road along with the works to divert the footpath and regrade the levels across the site.

"This application relates to Phase 2b."

Early consultation with the local authority set out a number of key design principles which were to be adopted in the development proposals, which included:

  • Setting the units back from Accrington Road to reduce their visual impact on the surrounding countryside;
  • Inclusion of a significant planting buffer screen to Accrington Road and the perimeter of the site; and
  • The buildings themselves were to use a mix of high quality, contemporary, robust cladding materials and feature glazing to aesthetically compliment each other.

The plans added: "The local planning authority expressed concerns over the height of the buildings and their impact on the surrounding landscape due to the topography of the site.

"As such the buildings height were limited and a significant planting buffer is proposed.

"As prospective occupiers expressed interest in the units the layout has been designed to meet their specific requirements.

"The external appearance of the unit employs high quality metal faced cladding materials which are robust and provide a contemporary finish.

"The design uses graduating shades of grey from dark to light with the darkest tone at ground floor and the lightest tone at the eaves.

"This helps to ground the unit and visually will reduce the impact on the surrounding landscape.

"The design uses high quality flat panel composite cladding and feature full height curtain wall glazing at the building entrance and on the elevation facing the site entrance and Accrington Road."