The owner of an East Lancashire football club who returned his 'Freedom of the Borough' medal in a row over live music noise has accused the council of saying one thing to his face and doing another behind his back.

Accrington Stanley boss Andy Holt this week returned his medallion and citation to Hyndburn Council.

It follows a noise abatement order being served by Hyndburn Council on Stanley's Coley's supporters bar.

Mr Holt said on Facebook: "I don't want to be a Freeman of Hyndburn, I want to be free of Hyndburn.

"The poison at its heart has seen it continue on its inexorable downward path."

Now he has spoken to the Lancashire Telegraph about why he took the action.

Mr Holt said: "It's to do with the complaint about noise.

"The council never gave us proper information about this from day one.

"It's not about the issue. That will get resolved. This is about the council not supporting the club.

"I am not receiving a badge from them one day and then finding them going behind my back on another.

"The council should support the club as other councils do. Accrington Stanley does not belong to me or the council.

"It belongs to the town. I've had enough."

Mr Holt, director of What More UK (trading as Wham) since 1999 and director and the majority shareholder of Accrington Stanley since October 2015, was made a Freeman of Hyndburn Borough in May.

His citation said: "Andy is a key figure within the Hyndburn business and sporting community.

"His no-nonsense approach has struck a chord with football fans country-wide and has helped to further raise the profile of Accrington Stanley FC and the borough."

Mr Holt's decision follows six live music performances at Accrington Stanley’s Coley’s bar, in Livingstone Road, Accrington, being cancelled after the noise abatement order was served.

Cllr Miles Parkinson, the leader of Hyndburn Council, said: "“Hyndburn are committed to working in partnership with Accrington Stanley FC and their Community Trust. The work Stanley do is incredibly valuable to our local community and our economy.

"New facilities such as Coley’s Bar are an asset to our borough, and we want to see it thrive. I would like to reassure residents that we are working with all parties involved for an outcome that is positive for the whole community.

"Leaders at the council, including myself, are in discussion with the club and we are working in partnership to find a solution.

"As a local authority there are statutory duties we have to adhere to and by tackling any issues together I am hopeful for an outcome that benefits everyone involved.

"We are grateful for all the work leaders and fans at the club have put in over the years and look forward to seeing the club, and its facilities, go from strength to strength.”

A spokesperson for Hyndburn Council added: “Hyndburn Council has received a number of noise nuisance complaints resulting from live music events at Coleys Bar.

"It is the statutory duty of the Council to investigate these complaints and we have been in regular dialogue with ASFC and local residents.

"The noise levels witnessed were deemed unreasonable, interfering with the use or enjoyment of a home, and as a result an abatement notice was served. This notice was not appealed and currently remains in place.

“The investigation continues in line with Hyndburn council’s statutory duty. Our officers have been working closely with ASFC and under instruction from ASFC co-ordinated a meeting with local residents on December 14.

"We have been made aware that ASFC have taken the decision to cancel a number of upcoming live music events, have engaged an external company to look at noise/mitigation options and have put a number of measures in place. We will continue to work towards a positive outcome for both ASFC and local residents.”

An online petition 'to get the council to overturn their abatement order' has been launched and garnered more than 3,000 signatures so far.

The current Accrington Stanley was formed in 1968, two years after the collapse of the original club, which played in the Football League from 1921 to 1962.

It currently plays in League One, and is sitting in 19th place this season.