A drunk who fell asleep on a bench outside Blackburn Cathedral kicked off with cathedral staff who roused him.

Blackburn magistrates heard Paul Proctor became extremely aggressive when police arrived and intervened.

Proctor, 46, of St Peter Street, Blackburn, admitted to being drunk and disorderly and engaging in verbally abusive behaviour and offering violence while in a religious establishment. He was given a 12-month community order with 20 rehab activity days, a £10 fine and £114 victim surcharge.

The second charge was brought under the Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860.

Sameena Chaudhry, prosecuting, said police were called as Proctor was being abusive to members of the public and cathedral staff.

“He was refusing to move and there was an overwhelming smell of intoxicants,” said Miss Chaudhry. “When police arrived he became extremely aggressive and threatened the officers.”

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said the offences had been committed in the cathedral grounds and not inside the building. He said Proctor had fallen asleep on a bench and became abusive when he was woken up by a member of staff and members of the public.

“When he is sober he is very easy to deal with but he is an alcoholic and sometimes he lets himself down very badly,” said Mr Taylor.