A NEW town centre live music venue has been temporary planning permission after agreeing to reduced hours of operation.

Grant Mizon wants can now covert the empty basement of a large mill building in Borough Road, Darwen, into an entertainment hub.

The club, which would accommodate 150 people and create new jobs, would be in the former Co-op Bakery vacated by Darwen Windows Ltd in 2020.

A proposal has also been floated to turn the top two floors into an ‘exciting and creative’ events space.

Mr Mizon’s application for the basement was approved by Blackburn with Darwen Council’s planning committee on Thursday despite more than 20 objections.

His agent Nazia Shah of Urban Future Planning told councillors he was happy to accept an initial temporary 12 month planning permission and reduced hours of operation for that period.

She said the proposed new use would prevent the building falling into disrepair.

Mr Mizon had sought operating hours of Sunday to Thursday from 6.30pm to 11.30pm and on Fridays and Saturdays from 6.30pm to 4am.

The approval restricts the opening hours from Monday to Saturday of 6.30pm to 11pm and Sundays 6.30pm to 10pm.

The temporary permission for 12 months will allow council officers to assess the club's impact in terms of noise and disturbance.

The approval was opposed by Darwen East Liberal Democrat Cllr Paul Browne who said: "This should not be allowed. I am dead against it 100 per cent."

He said the town did not need another night club.

But Ewood Labour councillor Cllr Jim Casey said that giving a temporary permission with restricted hours would give officers and nearby residents the chance to asses the impact of noise and comings and goings on the neighbourhood.

His Conservative ward colleague Cllr Jon Baldwin agreed that the proposals were a suitable solution to deal with local people's concerns.

The objections include two from Darwen West ward’s Labour councillors Brian Taylor and Stephanie Brookfield.

The temporary approval with restricted hours was proposed by Darwen East Labour councillor Martin McCaughran.

At the end of the 12 months, the venue would need a new planning permission to continue to operate and the opening hours would be reviewed.

The new venue will include a bar area, customer toilets, staff/admin/first-aid room and a performance/DJ stage.

Committee chairman and Darwen West Labour councillor Dave Smith agreed the 12 month trial period was a suitable compromise.