A LOCAL authority leader has promised Ukrainian refugees living in his borough with help to rehouse them if they need it.

Cllr Miles Parkinson praised the welcome given by Hyndburn residents to those fleeing the Russian invasion of their homeland but said those who had to move on from their initial hosts would be looked after.

And he and borough housing boss Cllr Kath Pratt promised similar help for local families facing eviction or poor rented accommodation.

Cllr Parkinson told Wednesday's cabinet meeting: "I want to express my appreciation and pride with those Hyndburn households who continue to host Ukrainian families.

"A further small number of Ukrainian families have been matched with Hyndburn hosts and will be arriving in the near future escaping the terrible war and the bitter Ukrainian winter.

"I am also very proud of the way Ukrainian families have been welcomed and how they have settled here in Hyndburn with the majority continuing to live her with their host families.

"I would also like to say thank you to the many organisations and charities that have been supporting people from the Ukraine.

"Through their help people feel welcome, many have been able to find jobs, pursue further education and make Hyndburn their home.

"Up to now, we have not had any guests leaving their host households except a very small number by choice.

"We hear of stories about Ukrainian households having to move on and therefore I wish to reassure our visitors who may find themselves having to leave their hosts in the future that they will receive the council's full support in securing suitable alternative housing.

"Any Ukrainian household finding themselves threatened with homelessness through no fault of their own will be treated as urgent cases for rehousing which could include a housing association tenancy or help to secure rehousing with a private landlord including help with rent deposits, rent payments in advance, and furniture where required.

"Finally, as we enter a period where the cost of living crisis is going to hit families hard, I wish to reassure all Hyndburn's households that the council will to everything it can to support any household unfortunate enough to find themselves threatened with homelessness through no fault of their own."

Cllr Pratt introducing a new tougher private sector housing enforcement policy told the meeting: "A small significant number of landlords neglect their responsibilities and put their tenants at risk due to poor conditions, inadequate maintenance and repair and poor standards of management.

"The council intends to get even tougher with those landlords who fail to comply with legislation and regulations and provide sub-standard accommodation and service."