A primary school where children develop ‘warm and friendly relationships’ with their teachers remains ‘good’.

Lammack Primary School in Blackburn was rated ‘good’ by Ofsted following an inspection on September 27.

Inspectors noted how there are ‘warm and friendly relationships’ between pupils and teachers and that pupils feel ‘happy, safe and secure’.

The report reads: “They enjoy being part of this large school which has a small family feel.

“They benefit from the care and attention that their teachers give to them.”

The school has a well-balanced curriculum which ‘ensures that pupils succeed in their learning’.

The report added: “Leaders have thought carefully about how the curriculum will support the learning of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND.

“For example, teachers provide carefully thought-out and engaging activities for pupils to develop their vocabulary.

“In the early years, staff develop children’s social skills and communication with care and rigour.

“Across subjects, leaders have considered the important learning that pupils need to acquire. Leaders have set out the order in which pupils should build this learning.

“However, in a small number of subjects in key stages 1 and 2, teachers do not revisit past learning regularly enough. When this happens, pupils’ learning is less secure.”

Inspectors said that children behave well and are attentive in lessons and during social times, with older pupils teaching younger pupils how to behave well.

The report said: “Pupils are polite and respectful and listen carefully in lessons and to each other.

“Their attitudes towards each other are exemplary.

“This begins in the early years, where children quickly settle into new routines.”

Before the pandemic, the school offered a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, such as debating, art and football clubs which are now being reintroduced by leaders.

Pupils act as reading ambassadors, supporting a love of reading and learning across all subjects.

Inspectors said that leaders, governors and staff are ambitious for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs and/or disabilities, with pupils meeting their ‘ambitions well’.

Arrangements for safeguarding are effective.