TAKEAWAY bosses have avoided serious repercussions amid claims disputes between delivery drivers and residents.

But staff at Papa's Pizza, in Leeds Road, Nelson, will be given advice on where they should park, to lessen conflicts with neighbours.

And councillors have asked for Pendle Council enforcement officers to monitor parking near the popular takeaway.

Licensing chiefs staged a review following a series of complaints against Papa's over parking, noise, litter and 'intimidation'.

Borough licensing officer Wajed Iqbal said several letters had been sent to bosses over conditions designed to prevent disturbance and nuisance, without reply.

He added:  “In October, there was an alleged incident when staff are said to have threatened a young woman resident who had just moved into a property with possible violence and threats against her. Such alleged behaviour is not acceptable from anyone – the premises licence holder or staff."

Neighbour Ice Hussain said: "The shop has been there for some years. Business has grown, which is brilliant.

"But we have to ask if the business has outgrown that site? They now have four or five drivers. But the streets around are residential and there are trucks and cars coming, day and night.

"“They basically police themselves, which is wrong. They should not be hassling people or threatening residents."

Another resident, Tanveera Akhtar, added: "The problems have been ongoing for some time. There is noise with pots and pans being banged. There are parking problems. The drivers are lawless.

"They harass us and flash their lights at people who are momentarily parking in the back street or visiting people."

He said litter was another problem, such as shrink-wrapping, paper and drinks cans.

Mr Askhar claimed Papa’s drivers threatened a 64-year-old woman who works for another nearby shop, Pizza Perfection.

He said: “They told her this is Papa’s backstreet. You don’t come here. She was shocked and upset. So  they are upsetting other businesses too. It’s the drivers who are running the place.”

“I’m not going to tolerate threats. Enough is enough with banging and mess all over the place. I’ve watched them over the past few days when they have parked elsewhere.

"But it’s not going to last. Unless we talk about things and be amicable.”

Premises licence holder Mohammed Sharaz, also known as Shair Ahmed in relation to the pizzeria, said: the shop had been operating for 15 years without any council complaints.

He added: "We have grown and have invested £100,000 in the shop, which is investment in the town, and paid our rates etc. We don’t actually own the property. Pizza Perfection was operating before us.

"We have spoken about parking and said we can all use the back street together. A few months ago I spoke to Pizza Perfection and asked if there were any problems. They said no. He said previous people had cause problems but we are all okay."

He told the review problems had only begun after he extended the shop - and was told he should not serve customers who parked on double yellow lines outside.

Mr Sharaz said: "We are not the police. We cannot do that. Nobody can do that. It was very difficult. If people park on double-yellow lines then the police should come and fine them.

“These conditions are unfair to us. Enforcing double-yellow lines should apply to all businesses not just ours."

He also denied any knowledge of alleged threats made to other by drivers.

Cllr Kieran McGladdery said the takeaway business was obviously successful, which was good. But conditions had to be followed.

He said: “If you don’t agree with conditions then you appeal. If the proprietor does not appeal then he should adhere to the conditions.”

Liberal Democrat Cllr Dorothy Lord said: ” I do have some sympathies with the business but you cannot ignore a licensing condition. That’s why you are here at this review.”

The licensing committee decided not to take enforcement action against Papa’s. Instead conditions were amended, naming where delivery drivers and customer should park in relation to St Philip’s Street, Harvey Street and a nearby back street.

Councillors also said they would contact parking enforcement officers to make more visits to the Leeds Road area.