A CONTROVERSIAL plan to turn a terraced house into an Islamic evening education and prayer centre has been rejected.

Planners have turned down the proposal to turn 40 Leach Street in Ewood, Blackburn, into a madrassah.

Shazad Ali had applied for planning permission for the change to the three bedroom home.

But 73 Ewood residents signed a petition to Blackburn with Darwen Council opposing the scheme on parking, traffic and safety grounds.

Now the local authority's planners have rejected the application.

Ewood Conservative Cllr Jon Baldwin said: "I believe this is the right decision.

"It was absolutely in the wrong place. It just wasn't safe."

A report by planning officer Nick Blackledge said: "The development, by virtue of its position in a residential terrace row, would result in an unacceptable loss of amenity for the area in general and in particular for occupants of the adjoining dwelling at 38 Leach Street due to a significant increase in on-street activity and within the application building, thereby eroding the residential character of the area.

"Accordingly, the development would fail to make a positive contribution to the area.

"The development, by virtue of a failure to provide off-street parking and a drop-off / pick-up area within a residential terrace row would severely impact the safe, efficient and convenient movement of highway users.

"The application site relates to a three bedroom end terrace dwelling at the junction of Leach Street and Rockcliffe Street.

"The area is generally defined by its residential terraced street pattern.

"Full planning permission is sought for a change of use from residential dwelling to non-residential educational facility as a madrassah..

"The facility would cater for local children under the age of 16 each weekday evening with a maximum of 40 children and five teachers in attendance at any one time.

"Neighbours were consulted. 11 individual objections and a 73 signature petition were received.

"Objections are: transport impacts; general noise / nuisance; low demand; and loss of family housing.

"The site is not supported by an accessible and convenient bus route and cannot be considered to be in a sustainable location.

"The site is located within a densely populated residential area characterised by terraced rows supported only be on-street parking.

"The proposal is considered a significant intensification of use which would generate considerably more traffic which cannot be contained within the site confines.

"An unwarranted increase in on-street demand for parking, drop-off and pick-up would arise resulting in increased noise nuisance and general disruption.

"Such change would be in stark contrast to the pre-existing circumstances and lead to the erosion of a typical residential street character."