Two East Lancashire BTEC students have been celebrated in the 2022 BTEC Awards.

Daljeet Sachdeva from Blackburn College won the award for Business and Enterprise Learner of the Year while Lois Page from Nelson and Colne College won the award for Sport Learner of the Year.

Daljeet Sachdeva’s inspiring achievements stood out among an international field of candidates.

The judges were wowed by the initiative, proactivity, and conscientiousness she showed in abundance throughout the time she took to complete her business diploma.

Daljeet is no stranger to hardship herself, having fled war-torn Afghanistan, where education for women is under enormous threat, all of which makes the positive attitude she brings to class every day and the determination to succeed all the more impressive.

She is intent on putting her natural business acumen towards good causes via her volunteering for the YMCA and work as a Covid Community Champion.

Daljeet said: “I am extremely happy to win this national award. For someone like me, who comes from a country where there is no education for girls and no achievements for girls, especially for a minority as I am Sikh and Afghanistan is a Muslim centric country, this is a huge achievement.

READ MORE: Asylum seeker helping Blackburn community with YMCA charity

“My family are very proud of me particularly my mum, but this award is for my dad because everything I do is because of him.

“The reason for doing all of this is because my dad said that you should always be down to the earth and you should always help other people.”

Lois Page’s amazing achievements stood out among an international field of candidates and wowed the judges, who felt her hardworking, reliable and thoughtful nature was very impressive.

Lois demonstrated enormous amounts of passion throughout her course and beyond.

In 2021, she was recognised for creating and launching a series of 16 online ‘training’ videos for children during lockdown – totally independently – that helped viewers with drills, skills, games and craft activities to keep them active.

The sporting starlet has also held volunteer roles with Burley FC, where she has coached holiday soccer schools, disability sports sessions, and even dance classes, and with the Football Association’s Wildcats initiative. 

Lois said: “I am proud to have won the BTEC sports student award after a long two years of overcoming barriers and challenges that have presented themselves throughout my studies.

“I have always been passionate about sports and helping others and it is humbling to have been recognised for what I have achieved.”