New data has revealed the happiest and unhappiest places to live in East Lancashire in 2022.

The data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has found Pendle is the happiest place to live in East Lancashire, with people in Burnley and Rossendale ranking as the most unhappy.

The ONS conducted a survey and asked people to rate their happiness in the 12 months up to March 2022.

Those surveyed were asked to rate their life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety levels out of 10, to gauge which parts of the country are happiest.

According to the data, Pendle is the happiest place to live in East Lancashire scoring a rating of 8.1 out of 10.

It also ranked the best for life satisfaction (7.98), worthwhile (8.17) and anxiety levels (2.28).

At the other end of the scale are Rossendale and Burnley, which were ranked as the unhappiest places to live in East Lancashire, both receiving a 7.22 rating.

People in Burnley have the lowest levels of life satisfaction (7.17) followed closely by Hyndburn (7.73).

People in the Ribble Valley were found to be the most anxious in East Lancashire with an average rating of 3.38.

Rossendale was second (3.22) and Blackburn with Darwen was third (3.2).

Councillor Nadeem Ahmed, leader of Pendle Council, said the council is “delighted” to have topped the rankings.

He said: “We’re delighted Pendle tops the rankings as the happiest place to live in East Lancashire.

“Our recent This is Pendle survey, which hundreds of local people took part in, shows how much Pendle’s beautiful countryside means to our residents.

“And people rated the friendly people and sense of community here very highly too. 

“More than 90 per cent of participants rated our countryside and access to parks and open spaces in Pendle as good. 

“Major multi-million investment including Government Levelling Up funding for Nelson and Colne will have a positive impact across Pendle, with better prospects, more opportunities and an improved quality of life for all.

“And our transformation project Northlight in Brierfield is reaching an exciting phase, too, as our iconic mill takes on a new life as a place to live, visit and enjoy sport, leisure, learning and cultural activities.” 

Here is the full list of East Lancashire’s personal well-being rankings in the 2022 ONS Happiness survey:


Life satisfaction

  1. Pendle – 7.98
  2. Ribble Valley – 7.73
  3. Rossendale – 7.69
  4. Blackburn with Darwen – 7.42
  5. Hyndburn – 7.29
  6. Burnley – 7.17



  1. Pendle – 8.17
  2. Rossendale – 8.02
  3. Ribble Valley – 7.93
  4. Blackburn with Darwen -7.76
  5. Hyndburn – 7.73
  6. Burnley – 7.03



  1. Pendle – rating 8.1
  2. Ribble Valley – Rating 7.62
  3. Hyndburn – rating 7.58
  4. Blackburn with Darwen – 7.36
  5. Rossendale and Burnley – 7.22



  1. Ribble Valley – 3.38
  2. Rossendale – 3.22
  3. Blackburn with Darwen – 3.2
  4. Hyndburn – 2.5
  5. Burnley – 2.47
  6. Pendle – 2.28