COUNCILLORS have rejected a plea from a parish council to insist that a spine road on a major housing development is completed on time as 'children's lives are being put at risk'.

Blackburn with Darwen borough's planning committee approved developer Amenbury Watermills Ltd request for more time to finish the key highway through the Sappi Paper Mill site earmarked for 450 new homes built.

Part of the original planning application for the estate in Feniscowles, Blackburn, was a Section 106 agreement to build the new road by December 13 this year.

The developer has blamed inactivity during the cononavirus pandemic for the delay.

On Thursday night the committee granted an extension of the deadline by two years despite Livesey parish councillor Rick Moore pleading for them to reject the request.

Mr Moore told the meeting: "The application by the developer clearly states that they wish for an extension imply because the date stated is getting close to expiring.

"We find this an insufficient reason to support any extension. It is merely an admission of failure.

"The construction industry have never had any restrictions placed on it due to the Covid pandemic.

"There is considerable development being undertaken in the area at this time.

"Residents of the Parish of Livesey are already subject to rising volumes of traffic on Livesey Branch Road especially at peak times causing severe delays and inconvenience.

"We feel that children's lives are being put at risk by this increased traffic volume and the reckless driving of some of the heavy construction traffic.

"The completion of this link road is essential to relieve both."

Mr Moore's plea was backed by Tory planning spokesman and local ward councillor Paul Marrow who said that the request was 'just making a mockery of us as a council'.

But Labour's Cllr Jim Casey said: "They have build half the spine road. This road will make a massive difference but we have got to be patient."

Committee chairman Cllr Dave Smith said: "We all know of the problems caused by Covid but I understand your frustration."

Planning manager Gavin Prescott told the committee: "Justification is provided by the impact of the Covid pandemic that affected the construction rate and delivery of housing on the site.

"It is submitted that appropriate justification is provided to warrant the amendment to the timeframe for the start of construction of the spine road."

A spokesman for the developer said: “The requested time extension is to replace the time we lost due to Covid and provide sufficient time for us to construct the other half of the spine road.”