AS we try to put the spotlight on some of the finest venues in East Lancashire, we have visited Darwen to speak to our latest Pub of the Week.

We have spoken to John Connelly at the Bird in th’Hand, who have recently been named in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide 2023.

Name of the pub

Bird in th’Hand

Address of the pub:

225 Duckworth Street in Darwen

Landlord/landlady name:

John Connelly

How long have you been the landlord/landlady for?

Just coming up for four years

Bar staff and their names:

Paige, Alithea, Roy, Kirsty and Charles

Give us some history about the pub

It’s great to be named in the Good Beer Guide as you can only be voted in by the CAMRA campaign so it’s not as if you can buy your own awards.

The Bird in th’Hand has a massive selection of beers, real ales, stouts Belgium and German beers and craft beer fruit beers and also a microbrewery in Mellor which makes 12 Steps Real, which is sold in the bar.

Is food served? Is so what’s on the menu?

Not as yet

Is there a beer garden


Do you have any darts/snooker/pool teams

Two darts team - Monday and Thursday

Most popular drink served is:

Without a doubt real ale

Most memorable moment at the pub

Closing down for Covid and trying to drink the pub dry.

Do you have an entertainment line-up?

Occasionally local artists

Have you faced any challenges within the industry

Yes its been hard with Covid and energy crisis but we keep on going and the people of Darwen keep supporting the Bird in th’hand.

The best thing about running a pub is

Meeting people

The worst thing about running a pub is..

Long hours - seven days a week

The perfect hangover cure is...

Pint of water before bed then more real ale.

- Have we featured your favourite venue as our Pub of the Week? If not, get in touch to tell us the best in East Lancashire via email and we will try to get them in the paper.