A MOSQUE which had its roof ripped off in the February storms has been given permission to add a minaret to its skyline.

Masjid-E-Saliheen, Didsbury Street, Blackburn, was damaged when Storm Franklin hammered parts of the UK with strong winds and heavy rain.

But now it proposal to position a minaret above existing mehrab structure and add new steel stairs to form emergency fire exit has been granted planning permission.

Blackburn with Darwen Council with Darwen Council has approved the scheme in Whitebirk with four conditions

A report by planning officer Christian Barton says: "The application site is a religious building located within the settlement of Blackburn.

"The site comprises of a mosque building with associated carpark and garden areas.

"This application involves the erection of a small first floor extension above an existing outrigger.

"The extension would have a flat roof with a tall minaret feature constructed above.

"Fibreglass would be used to construct the minaret with a goose wing and anthracite grey powder-coated external finish applied.

"A steel staircase and doorway would be installed serving as a fire escape.

"A glazed balustrade would also be installed enclosing the staircase and minaret.

"The nearest neighbours were notified by letter and a site notice was posted. No public comments have been received.

"The site has a specific use and the existing building is a standalone aspect within the street scene architecturally.

"The scale and style of the proposed minaret would appear proportionate when related to the massing and appearance of the existing building.

"The proposed external construction materials for that part would be visually appropriate when related to the existing building.

"In addition, the installation of an external staircase and glazed balustrade would not harmfully effect the character of the existing building.

"Subject to appropriate conditions, the proposal would be acceptable in principle and with reference to design and visual amenity, residential amenity, and protected trees and landscaping.

"The development therefore complies with the development plan.

"There is a positive presumption in favour of approving the development and there are no material reasons to object to the application."

The mosque was the first in the area to offer Covid-19 vaccinations during the pandemic and in January unveiled new defibrillators for use for all sections of the local community.