Slimming World members have raised more than £8,000 in the East Lancashire Hospice Corporate Challenge.

Gemma Lewis from Blackburn and consultant for Hyndburn Marisa Bannan are thrilled to have achieved third place out of 18 groups competing in the challenge to collect cash for the hospice.

The pair raised a total of £8362.39 by organising raffles, a sponsored walk, bring-and-buy sales, afternoon teas and a cabaret evening.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Speaking about their achievement, Gemma said: “It means the absolute world. First place would be better but at the end of the day, the winners are the East Lancashire Hospice.

 “The sad thing is that the total amount raised by all companies involved only covers five days of the actual running costs there, as it costs £11,000 a day, plus the East Lancashire Hospice doesn’t get any Government funding.

“But with the help of our members in Baxenden and Blackburn we made over £8,000 and our members lost lots of pounds whilst helping us raise such a huge amount.

“Marisa and I have been collecting for East Lancashire Hospice in our groups since becoming consultants so we knew what sort of things would be able to raise the most money.

“We have already signed up for next year and already planning Zumbathons, fun evenings and lots of raffles, fairs and more so we will have another good go at winning next year.”

The Corporate Challenge overall raised £60,000 for East Lancashire Hospice with the overall winners raising over £20,000 – Northcote Manor and in second place was Darwen-based company Pendle Doors who raised over £8,000.

On October 14, East Lancashire Hospice invited all the companies involved to a final awards evening.

This event was held at Mytton Fold in Lango and was hosted by local DJs and compares, Paul Winstanley and Olly Houldsworth.

Categories for the awards included Daredevil, determination, community spirit, teamwork and the overall winners of the Corporate Challenge 2022.

Leanne Green, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at East Lancashire Hospice said: “The past four months have been incredible for the hospice, with all the companies involved in the challenge really making the most of it.

“It was great to attend sold-out events, hear about teams conquering their fears whilst raising money and also how being part of the Corporate Challenge has made a lasting positive impact on the companies involved.”