Nine dogs and seven cats have been seized by the police and RSPCA over concerns about poor living conditions.

The Wyre and Fylde Rural Task Force, working in partnership with other agencies and departments, exactuted two animal welfare warrants last week.

In one instance, five cats were seized from a property due to poor living conditions. 

In a second instance, nine dogs and a further two cats were seized.

A spokesperson for the police said on Monday: "We have executed two animal welfare act warrants with the RSPCA, whereby five cats were seized from a property due to their poor living conditions, and on a separate warrant we also seized nine dogs and two cats."

Additionally, the Wyre and Fylde Rural Task Force also conducted a waste management operation with Wyre Council, the stolen vehicle team, Neighbourhood Police Team and DVSA, to target people who are illegally carrying waste and likely to fly tip.

Other enquiries led police to the seizure of a stolen Ifor Williams horse box.

The spokesperson added: "We have worked with the stolen vehicle team to identify the true identity of the trailer and the original owners.

"Rural Task Force have also managed to seek funding from LANPAC and the PCC to support a local community issue to provide re-assurance to the rural community.

"In amongst this we have arrested a drink driver who has subsequently been charged."