A MAN repeatedly harassed staff and visitors to an award-winning leisure and hotel complex in Burnley.

Blackburn magistrates heard Abdul Rafiq hid in bushes near to the gym at Crow Wood and made his views known to staff.

The court was told he had already served a 12-month restraining order banning him from the complex but his bizarre behaviour resumed.

Rafiq, 39, of Merton Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to harassing staff and visitors to Crow Wood.

He was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and made subject to an indefinite restraining order which prohibits him entering the grounds of Crow Wood Hotel and Leisure Centre.

Ceejay Kok, prosecuting, said Rafiq would frequently hide in bushes, follow members of staff and confront them and visitors.

"On one occasion he approached a female guest, called her dirty and made some reference to Jesus," said Miss Kok.

"When he has been approached he has either run off or put his hands together in a praying position and apologised."

She said on one occasion an alarm had been activated suggesting he had tried to get into the hotel.

Richard Prew, defending, said his client had been assessed by the mental health services and they believed he should be hospitalised because of his mental health issues.

"I don't believe any community order would be appropriate given the information that has now been provided," said Mr Prew.