A Blackburn man has been jailed after he breached a restraining order,stalking his ex-partner, and threatening extreme violence against her.

Samuel Chadwick, 32, appeared at Preston Crown Court on Thursday, October 13, for breaching his restraining order and for stalking with fear of violence charges.

The court heard how Chadwick, of Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn, was in a three-month relationship with his ex-partner from March 2020 and they had a child together.

They broke up for a period after some violence occurred and got back together again in April 2022, but this didn't last long.

On June 16 this year, Chadwick was then handed a restraining order sentence after he assaulted his ex-partner on May 14, by dragging her along the floor in the back garden in front of her children.

The restraining order was put place until June 15, 2024, meaning Chadwick could not contact his ex-partner other than regarding their child, and he could not go near her address in Dukinfield.

However, two days after he was handed this restraining order, Chadwick sent his previous partner messages telling her he still loved her and he missed her, before sending a large number of messages between June 18 and 19 telling the victim he could see, her he was around the corner, and he knew she was “sh*gging someone else”.

Chadwick then continued to call her on a withheld number saying he was going to “chop her up” and “do a 16 year stretch for taking her life”.

Harriet Lavin, prosecuting, told the court how Chadwick continued to call his ex-partner even when the police were at the victim’s address.

The police informed Chadwick he was in breach of his restraining order, and he laughed and said, “you don’t know where I am though mate”.

On June 20, Chadwick posted his prison card through his ex-partner's door, and after this Chadwick handed himself in with the police.

He then proceeded to send his ex-partner a love letter from prison on July 4.

A victim impact statement read out in court shared how Chadwick’s ex-partner has had suicidal thoughts since the incidents and her mental health has been deteriorating, she has experienced chest pain from the anxiety she has suffered, and fear.

She said she doesn’t feel safe as when they broke up Chadwick threatened to kill her and the children.

Miss Lavin said the incidents were a blatant breach of the restraining order.

Chadwick has had 22 previous convictions relating to 30 offences of a similar nature to the incidents read out in court.

He has previously been convicted of battery, intentional harassment, and threatening abuse.

Recorder Barry Searle said Chadwick was convicted two days earlier and was handed a restraining order yet he “then acted in an absolutely disgraceful way”.

Neil Howard, for Chadwick, said he has suffered with his mental health and acted the way he did as June 19, when most the messages were sent, was Father’s Day, which proved to be a bad day for Chadwick as he hadn’t seen his one-year-old son since May, and his other son from a previous relationship had been adopted so he didn’t have access.

Mr Howard also told the court how Chadwick regretted his actions and ‘hangs his head in shame’ and realises some of the messages he sent were a horrendous way to treat the mother of his child and the person he loved.

Mr Howard said: “The defendant now fully appreciates the devastating impact and fear his family would have felt, and he is thoroughly ashamed and embarrassed by his actions.”

Recorder Searle said Chadwick’s actions had a “very unpleasant” and “awful impact” on the victim and he said he could simply not give a suspended sentence.

Chadwick was sentenced to nine months imprisonment for the breach of the restraining order and nine months imprisonment for the stalking charge which will run concurrently.