A football fan who was suffering with mental health issues and substance abuse has spoken of the importance of reaching out for help.

Scott Anderton was unemployed and had no idea what direction his life was moving in before getting assistance.

But now with his son back in his life he is about to start a university course and has hopes of becoming a primary school teacher.

Scott’s mental health has ‘improved so much’ and his journey he says started at Blackburn Rovers Community Trust.

Scott said: “I found out about Blackburn Rovers Community Trust’s FIT Fans programme when I was doing some stuff with Creative Football, who work alongside BRCT.

"I was given a leaflet about the programme, and I signed up straight away.

“I absolutely love the programme and it gave me the motivation to start implementing big changes I needed to make my life.

“I was struggling for motivation after Covid lockdown. I had gone through quite a difficult time in my life, I received treatment for both alcohol and drugs, so I had been isolated for quite some time.

“I was going through tough time, and I needed to start my life again.”

Scott’s life is now on a different path than it once was, and he has a long list of goals and objectives he wants to achieve in the coming months and years.

His determination and qualities both shone through, leading to him being offered a part time role working for Blackburn Rovers Community Trust, supporting the Neighbourhood Youth Offer programme.

Scott said: “Blackburn Rovers Football Club are close to my heart, and it is a dream come true to be now working here.

"I also work in a primary school now part-time; I have completed the Great North Run and I am starting a teaching learning support course with the target to become a primary school teacher.

“I have got my son back in my life too and that is amazing. My mental health, confidence and diet have all improved and I am so happy.”

Rowena Hayhurst, Neighbourhood Youth Manager, has been close to Scott throughout his journey with the Trust, and couldn’t speak more highly about the changes he has made.

“I first met Scott when he came to our offices, and he was introduced to me by our colleague, Chris McGrail, and he explained how he was involved with Creative Football and FIT Fans," she said.

“Scott was interested in working with young people, and I explained to him about our Neighbourhood Youth Offer.

“He spoke so affectionately about his son too and how it taught him how to communicate with young people and children.

“He left my office with a big smile on his face, he applied for a role, and he was successful! From the moment I met Scott I knew he had the potential to be a great youth worker, he was friendly, approachable, and very open and honest.

“I am immensely proud of Scott, he has proved so many people wrong, he takes one day at a time in his recovery and is very thankful for the opportunities he has been given to become the person he is today.

“He has battled with drug and alcohol addiction for most of his life, this has resulted in him being homeless on several occasions, seen the breakdown in personal relationships and as a result he has suffered depression and anxiety.

“Blackburn Rovers Community Trust are great at working with people who need an arm around them and offer additional support for people to be able to realise their full potential.

"We will always support them in their journey to discover how amazing they are, and that is what has happened with Scott, and we are extremely proud of him.”