A Blackburn Labour party activist has spoken out after a Conservative councillor in the town said Saddam Hussein was his hero.

It follows a row where Tory councillor Altaf 'Tiger' Patel was accused of following a ‘Zionist supporting party' by some in the community, after Prime Minister Liz Truss was filmed saying she was a ‘Zionist’ and a ‘huge supporter of Israel’ at a Conservative Friends of Israel meeting.

Later, Blackburn with Darwen Cllr Patel spoke out and accused Labour supporters of forgetting the death and destruction caused by the invasion of Iraq, under Tony Blair.

He said he was forced to compare the actions of the Tory party in foreign affairs with that of Labour and went on to say that Saddam Hussein had 'kept the region in check' and was his ‘hero.’

Labour party activist Asif Mahmud said he was concerned an elected official idolised Saddam Hussein, widely regarded as a tyrant.

Mr Mahmud said: “Saddam was a dictator who used chemical weapons to kill his own people.

"The Halabja Massacre of 1988 where up to 5,000 people were killed is one example. 

“During his reign, the ruling Baathist Party routinely arrested, tortured and killed opposition party leaders and members. A hero he was not and public officials should know better.

“In respect of the Labour Party and the invasion of Iraq, the Labour government, in conjunction with the allied forces, illegally invaded and waged war in Iraq, with approximately 300,000 people being killed.

"Prior to the illegal invasion, the sanctions on Iraq resulted in several hundred thousand premature deaths, mostly children. 

“Many in the Labour Party opposed the war and cabinet ministers resigned over the war.

"Millions marched, ‘Not in Our Name’ against the invasion and this included many Labour members and supporters. 

“The Labour Government made an illegal and catastrophic decision to invade Iraq and it was widely supported by the Conservative Party with little dissent from Tory MPs.

"The Chilcot Inquiry stated that Tony Blair made the case for war in Iraq 'on beliefs, not facts'.

"Since the illegal war, many, including those of us in the Labour Party have advocated Blair and Bush who led the invasion should be charged with war crimes at The Hague."

Lancashire Telegraph: Councillor Tiger PatelCouncillor Tiger Patel (Image: Councillor Tiger Patel)

Audley and Queen’s Park Cllr Patel said he had been sent many messages over the past few days from people who had accused him of supporting an ‘Zionist’ and ‘anti-Muslim’ party, and he was asked to respond to the footage of Liz Truss saying she was a 'Zionist'.

He said: “In my opinion none of the parties stand up for Muslims when it comes to Israel. So, to single out the Conservative Party is wrong.

“I do not agree with what Liz Truss said. I am against it. That is her personal opinion not mine.

“When she was a candidate, I supported her as she knows about British culture. I stand by that.”

However, Asif would not dismiss these comments and said both parties had poor records when it came to supporting the rights of Palestinians.

He said: “On the point about Zionism, it is clear to many, the Israeli state has used propaganda and misinformation to conflate Antisemitism with criticism of the Israeli State.

"Israel is an apartheid state, as proven by a number of human rights organisations, including Amnesty international. 

“As Truss or Starmer are wined and dined by the ‘Friends of Israel’, members of each party should be lobbying the parties to highlight the occupation and illegal settlements in Palestine and demand freedom and justice for the people of Palestine using all democratic and peaceful means at our disposal. 

“The next stage for the Israeli lobby will be for the UK to break from its long-standing position on the status of Jerusalem.

"UK’s position has been that it should be determined in a negotiated settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians.“