EAST Lancashire MP Jake Berry has defended himself and his government's mini-budget after a Labour councillor attacked his advice to hard-up householders to 'get a new job'.

The Tory Party chairman came in for widespread criticism at the weekend over an interview with Sky News pundit Sophy Ridge.

The Rossendale and Darwen MP told her: " “People know that when their bills arrive, they can either cut their consumption or they can get a higher salary, higher wages, go out there and get that new job."

Mr Berry also admitted he had attended a champagne reception with Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng hosted by party donors, including hedge fund managers after the controversial mini-budget which included the now ditched plan to scrap the top 45p tax rate on income above £150,000 a year.

Darwen West Labour councillor Brian Taylor said: "In his interview with Sky News Mr Berry stated that when people received their energy bill, they could either reduce the amount of their consumption or go out and get a better paid job.

"In reality, neither of these options are available to pensioners, the sick or infirm.

"Whilst the resident of Darwen are worrying about paying for their energy, Jake Berry is rubbing shoulders in Chelsea with bankers and hedge fund managers at a champagne reception, this after removing the cap on their bonuses.

"Perhaps if he spent more time with his constituents the reality of their lives would be more evident to him. Instead all we get is a fleeting visit for a photo opportunity."

Mr Berry said: "The government has put in place a bigger support package on energy bill than any other government in Europe.

"I am proud that we have protected the residents in Rossendale and Darwen from energy bills that were predicted to reach £6,000 annually saving the average household thousands of pounds a year on their gas and electric bills.

"Anyone who frequents the pubs in Rossendale and Darwen knows that I prefer a pint of beer to a class of champagne."