More than 60 motorists, believed to have paid scammers to help avoid driving prosecutions, have been convicted at court following a crackdown by Lancashire Police.

Dozens of people and businesses have been taken to court after trying to avoid prosecution by providing false details through Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) Farms.

Insp Oliver Jones, of Lancashire Police’s Safer Roads Unit, said: “We have targeted individuals using NIP Farms, where motorists use fake driver details when writing out traffic notices so they can avoid being penalised and even dodge disqualification.

“We are warning all drivers against trying to avoid justice by employing the services of a NIP Farm as we are committed to identifying and prosecuting those who try to cheat the system.

“Penalty points and a fine is an entry level prosecution. More serious and persistent offending can result in criminal charges and even imprisonment”.

More than 60 drivers and businesses were taken to court after it is believed they paid up to £600 each to the NIP Farms to avoid prosecution.

An operation was launched after it became apparent responses with fictitious driver names and repeat addresses, were being sent to police.

Last month, a father-to-be who paid someone £150 to take the rap for him after he was caught speeding on the M65 was jailed.

Abdul Habib, of Grindleton Road in Blackburn, was clocked travelling along the M65 at 103mph – 33mph over the legal limit - in November 2020.

At Preston Crown Court, Beth Pilling, prosecuting, said Habib, who had just turned 21 at the time, had been told about a man in Oldham who was, for a cash fee, offering to provide a false address to help people avoid penalty points and fines.

Admitting at the first opportunity to perverting the course of justice, it was heard that Habib provided false information on a prosecution form sent to his address, and returned the documents to police, nominating a Raheem Khan of Kelverlow Street in Oldham, as the person who was driving the vehicle at the time.

Habib, whose wife was due to give birth, informed the police during interview that he had obtained Mr Khan’s details from a man called Aamir Iqbal, who was carrying out repairs on his vehicle on November 10, 2020.

Miss Pilling said: "The defendant was caught at 103mph on the M65 and following on from that a notice of prosecution form was sent to his house.

"A response to that form was given to police in which Habib named a Raheem Khan in Oldham as the driver.

"The form was returned, but no response was received from the named man.

"The address in Oldham, it was discovered, had been used several times for nominations, so the police went back and spoke to the defendant, who admitted to driving the car earlier that day but said he'd dropped it off at Kwik Fit for some repairs.

"He also mentioned to police that the mechanic at Kwik Fit told him a customer had picked up his car by mistake, so it must have been the customer who was driving it when it was caught speeding. 

"However, on speaking with the mechanic, police found Habib's story was a lie and the car was never picked up by another customer.

"The police then went back to the defendant who then confessed to lying, but did not say he was driving the car.

"He had three points on his licence already and he wanted to avoid any more penalty points."

Habib, who has no previous convictions save for a drugs caution in 2021, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice, a crime which usually carries an automatic prison sentence. 

Now 22, he claimed he had personally completed the details on the section 172 prosecution notice in order to avoid receiving penalty points on his licence.

Mitigating, Rosalind Emsley-Smith said her client had been told he, "didn't need to worry about the fine and points" if he paid Khan £150, and it "would be taken care of". 

She said: "This defendant is one of four of his friends before the courts for this kind of offence.

"The man from Oldham visits the locality in a Range Rover, telling young boys, 'don't worry about it, for £150 I can make it all go away'.

"He was initially naive and believed what the man said and didn't appreciate the seriousness of the actions he was taking and can be viewed as a victim of fraud himself."

Sentencing Habib, Judge Simon Medland QC said: "There are some very dishonest people around who are doing this and pocketing money.

"These offences where people avoid speeding tickets, and seek to buy their way out of trouble are prevalent in this area and I am sure elsewhere too.

"But I am also sure these offences will stop when people realise they will go to prison for committing them."

Habib, who began crying in the dock, was sentenced to 80 days in prison, and as he received his sentence his wife, sat in the public gallery, shouted the judge was "destroying their family".

Insp Jones continued: “To date, we have had 61 convictions for failing to provide driver details, which carries a mandatory six penalty point deduction and a fine in excess of £600.

“Eleven people have had their cases adjourned to consider disqualification, with one firm paying £1,000 in fines and costs. The average fine paid so far by each driver is more than £500.

“The use of so-called NIP Farms is a huge problem nationally with the number of motorists trying to lie their way out of trouble in the thousands each year, and the money paid to these NIP Farms in the millions. This money all goes to fund criminality.

“The minority of motorists, who chose to lie and use a NIP farm, seem to think that the law doesn’t apply to them, and these offenders are much more likely to have an accident.

"The whole reason behind the points system is to remove bad drivers from our roads making them a safer place for everybody else.

“Around 60 more people are awaiting their court hearings over the next few months, and this number is set to increase.”

Anyone with information regarding the use or operation of NIP Farms in Lancashire or nationally is encouraged to report this to the police directly on 101 or via Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111.