TWO Labour councillors have called on their local authority to launch an action plan to save its shopping hubs.

Great Harwood's Noordad Aziz and Scott Brerton have tabled a motion for Thursday's full meeting of Hyndburn Council entitled 'Unlocking the Potential of Local High Streets'.

It calls for the scrapping of business rates, the devolving of government cash support to local authorities and new grass-roots action to support retail areas.

The motion by Netherton ward's Cllr Aziz and Overton ward's Cllr Brerton says: "We believe that healthy high streets are essential for employment, shopping and leisure but many shops and businesses were struggling even before the Covid pandemic.

"Hyndburn's high streets have been similarly affected by this shift in trends and this can clearly be seen in Accrington.

"Retail is among the sectors most affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

"The pandemic has accelerated what in many cases has been a longer trend of lower footfall and changing shopping habits'

"We welcome the willingness of government to acknowledge the problems and come forward with initiatives in response to these challenges such has the furlough scheme, the Covid support business loans, and the High Street Taskforce.

"However, as the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee stated in 2019, the current system of business rates places an unfair burden on “bricks and mortar” businesses compared to online

retailers, and the business rate system needs radical overhaul.

"The announcements in the budget, though welcome, fall short of what is required."

The motion calls on the council to:

• explore what local action can be taken to revive high streets;

• write to the government to urge it to scrap business rates and replace them with a system which levels the playing field between bricks and mortar businesses and online retail giants; and

• campaign to devolve funds like the Towns Fund, Levelling Up Fund, UK Shared Prosperity Fund and other national funding pots, to give local communities, councils and regions the

ultimate say in how it is spent in their area.