THOUSANDS of pounds of CCTV equipment used to detect and prevent fly tipping has been stolen from a field.

The CCTV equipment, which included a mobile camera, was stolen from an area of land in Delves Lane, Southfield, Nelson.

The equipment, worth £8,000, was being used to stop people fly tipping in the field, according to Pendle Council.

Police are investigating the theft after the council's fleet street depot reported the loss, which occurred between 6pm on April 18 and 9.30am April 22.

Officers have appealed for anyone with information who stole the Decal CCTV system to contact them.

Sergeant Keith Beckley, of Nelson police, said: "We are investigating the theft of a complete CCTV system which was set up in a field.

"Pendle Council reported the loss of the CCTV system which was utilised to prevent and detect fly tipping.

"Anyone with information should contact Nelson police."

Pendle Council said the equipment had already been used to successfully gather evidence and prosecute people.

They are hoping to replace the system in due course.

A spokesperson for the council said: "A mobile CCTV camera and unit has been stolen from a problem spot for fly tipping in Nelson.

"The camera was used to gather evidence against people who dump their rubbish where they shouldn't.

"And it's worked. In August 2007 we successfully prosecuted someone for fly tipping up there.

"We hope to replace the camera.

"We are committed to making Pendle cleaner, greener and safer, and this is just one way in which we're doing this."

Anyone with information should contact Nelson police on 01282 472604 or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555111.