DARWEN Railway Station could get a live link to police headquarters in a bid to tackle crime.

Blackburn with Darwen Council is investigating the possibility of linking the public address system to the police at Greenbank in Blackburn so it can be used along with the CCTV system already in operation.

The move comes after local councillors and Darwen MP Janet Anderson called for the station to be manned last month in a bid to reduce vandalism and fare-dodging.

And, following the requests, the council has agreed to work with Northern Rail on manning the station if the lead came from the rail industry.

Adam Scott, strategic director for regeneration and environment at Blackburn with Darwen Council, said: "The CCTV system is up and running at Darwen Railway Station and linked to the CCTV suite at Greenbank. The loudspeaker and amplifier are also working.

"We are investigating the possibility of putting a link into the live PA system from Greenbank, so the CCTV centre can speak live' to people on the station if an incident occurs."

Carolyn Watson, spokesperson for Northern Rail said: "We work in partnership to improve facilities at stations and Darwen is a good example of that.

"Any initiative to make our customers feel safe is something we would support."

Mrs Anderson said: "I think it's an excellent idea.

"I hope it will make people think twice about committing acts of vandalism if they know that misbehaviour will be recorded and can be acted on immediately by the police."

Insp Andrea Bradbury said: "We would support any measure designed to improve community safety and deter criminals and I urge anyone who is concerned or has any information about crime or disorder to contact us on 0845 1 25 35 45 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."