A DOG poo crusader has received "wide-spread support" for his bid to ban dogs from all cemeteries in Hyndburn.

Independent Hyndburn councillor Coun Malcolm Pritchard said dogs the ban should come into force to stop the "disgusting" scourge of fouling.

Since first airing his views last month he said that he has had "very positive" feedback from residents about the plan.

And his proposal will now be debated by councillors in the borough in June before a decision is made on whether to adopt a ban.

But the Tory leader of Hyndburn Council, Coun Peter Britcliffe has said that banning dogs from cemeteries was a draconian step that would be avoided.

Coun Pritchard, who represents the Milnshaw ward in Accrington as an independent and is not up for re-election in May, said that the problem in Hyndburn has left some residents "very distraught".

And he said urgent action was needed to stop the problem of irresponsible dog owners immediately.

Coun Pritchard said: "I have been taking complaints for many weeks on the issue and it must stop.

"It is extremely distressing for someone to visit a grave and find that it has been fouled by a dog."

He said there is a particular problem in Dill Hall Cemetery in Church, as well as Accrington Cemetery in Burnley Road.

He said: "I think 75 per cent of people who use the cemeteries are responsible but we really need to get through to the other 25 per cent.

"The ban could maybe come in for just a short period but it could be the shock to the system that is needed to end this problem."

Earlier this year Coun Britcliffe announced a £57,000 boost to tackle the blight of dog fouling in the borough.

The cash was spent on 80 new dog bins and extra resources to empty them.

But Coun Pritchard said more needed to be done.

Coun Britcliffe said: "The message is for dog owners to be courteous and responsible. We are investing in initiatives to tackle the problem and we need the support of dog owners.

"Dog fouling is a problem for all councils and we want to sort it out once and for all in Hyndburn. It's something that councillors receive lots of complaints about, and whilst most dog owners are responsible, the few irresponsible ones spoil it for us all."

Opposition Labour leader Graham Jones said: "A total ban would punish the innocent as well as the guilty.

"There are rules and legislation in place to deal with this problem but they are not being enforced strongly enough in this area."