NEARLY eight million households are basking in Mediterranean temperatures because the heating is on too high, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

And there is a massive environmental and financial cost, the Trust revealed - collectively they are squandering up to £332million a year, and as a result of inefficient use of their heating systems, they are also wasting 2.8m tonnes of CO2 a year.

According to new research from the Energy Saving Trust -

  • Just under a third (31 per cent) of UK householders have the temperature in their home set between 22 - 30 degrees Celsius or above, hotter than the average summer temperature in many Mediterranean destinations.
  • One in ten UK householders, that's around 2.5million homes, heat their homes to a balmy 25 degrees Celsius which is the same as an average summer's day in the Canary Islands.
  • If all those turned their room thermostats down to a comfortable temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, they would collectively save £332million in fuel bills. That's around 2.8m tonnes of carbon dioxide, and represents around £110 off an average households' annual fuel bills.

Furthermore, UK householders are not paying attention to how they heat their home because 18 per cent (around 4.5m households) admitted they do not know to what temperature they are heating their home. Yet 73 per cent, that's 18million householders, say they have a room thermostat installed - indicating people do not understand how to use heating controls to help them make these savings.

Karen Lawrence, Head of Advice at the Energy Saving Trust commented: "Leaving aside the implications which living in an over-heated environment might have on your general wellbeing, such as drier, dehydrated skin, heating your home to a Mediterranean climate is simply a waste of fuel and draining on the pocket.

"Why not just wear another layer? It's crazy how people seem to want to dress for the inside outside wearing T-shirts under patio heaters, and for the outside inside wearing vests at home!"