A PROLIFIC car criminal who struck again while subject to a suspended sentence has been jailed for 69 weeks.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Andrew Wilmore, 24, repeatedly drove while banned, flouted court orders and offended on bail.

He also raided a public house - and a judge told him it was time he put his life of crime behind him.

Wilmore, who was said to have sought help for his drug problem during his 206 days on remand, had gone on a spree last August and September, knowing if he was caught the suspended sentence would be activated.

The defendant, of no fixed address, admitted two charges of driving while disqualified, allegations of taking a vehicle without consent, two counts of handling stolen goods, theft and burglary.

He was also banned from driving for two years.

Sentencing, Judge Beverley Lunt said: "You have an absolutely appalling record, usually for driving whilst disqualified and offences related to other people's cars.

"You have been given chances, which you usually do not take."

The judge said she hoped Wilmore would continue to receive treatment and counselling for his drugs and drink problems while in custody.