Two men who stole a lorry with a £10,000 load from an Altham industrial site have been spared jail.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Nicholas Prince, 22, and David Lavin, 21, both new dads who claimed they were bored, were rumbled because the vehicle had a tracker. Neither made any comment when interview-ed.

Prince, who has a criminal record going back six years, and Lavin, who was of good character, admitted going equipped.

Prince, of Manchester, also pleaded guilty to theft of the lorry and Lavin, of Collyhurst, Manchester, also admitted handling it.

Prince was given 52 weeks in prison, suspended for two years, with 12 months supervision, the Think First programme and 200 hours unpaid work.

Lavin received 24 weeks in jail, suspended for two years with 12 months supervision and 100 hours unpaid work.

Judge Beverley Lunt told Prince, who had been out of trouble for two years, he had a pregnant partner at the time and he should have been thinking of her.

The judge told Lavin it was beyond belief anyone with a new baby should claim they were bored.