The Friends of Huncoat School (FOHS) held an Easter Disco on Friday 28th March 2008. It was very well supported and raised a fabulous £216.47. There were games for the children to participate in including, 'Wrapping an Easter Egg' and 'Find the Chicks' aswell as the usual dance competitions.

Prior to the disco pupils in Junior 2 and 3 took part in designing a poster to advertise the disco while younger children created Easter Cards. The total raised for these two competitions was £39.00.

FOHS have a Coffee Afternoon coming up on Friday 25th April from 2.45 - 3.45pm. The last Coffee Afternoon raised over £100, their best total to date and they hope to do just as well, if not better, at the end of April.

Please come along and support your local school.