A TRIO who broke into a music school hit a flat note when they stole musical instruments and a TV worth £2,300.

Blackburn magistrates heard the first two men arrested in connection with the theft identified Craig Grant as their accomplice.

Grant, 50, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to burglary at McNally Music Tuition and theft of two ukuleles, several guitars and a TV. He was jailed for 39 weeks and a further 11 weeks for being in breach of a suspended prison sentence. He was ordered to pay £933 compensation on release.

Paul Sumner, prosecuting, said the music school on Sudell Cross, Blackburn, was broken into at about 2.15 am. CCTV from across the town centre showed three men making off with their haul.

He said Grant had 74 previous convictions for 177 offences including previous for burglary which had resulted in prison sentences.

Alexander Rostron, defending, said his client had been doing what he could to self reduce his use of drugs before going into rehabilitation programme.

"Unfortunately he has fallen in with the wrong people and got involved in the same kind of activity as he has before," said Mr Rostron.