A MAN threw his partner's cat at a moving car during a row.

Blackburn magistrates heard Callum Volter also assaulted his partner and her 17 year old son who confronted him.

Volter, 22, of Milton Avenue, Widnes, Cheshire, pleaded guilty to assaulting Cody Delaney causing him actual bodily harm, assaulting Stevie Delaney, causing unnecessary suffering to an animal and criminal damage to a television set.

He was made subject to a community order for 18 months with 30 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 200 hours unpaid work.

He was ordered to pay £100 compensation to Miss Delaney and £100 to her son, a £95 victim surcharge and £85 costs. He was banned from keeping any animal for five years.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said Miss Delaney had picked Volter up from Haslingden and they were returning to their address in Crawshawbooth when he said he wanted to get out of the car and clear his head.

About five minutes after she got home he returned.

"There was an incident, during which she was grabbed and pushed, which led to him leaving the house while he was holding the family's pet cat," said Miss Kenyon.

"Miss Delaney followed and approached him and he shouted, 'Watch this,' before throwing the cat at a moving car."

Miss Kenyon said the cat hit the car and bounced into the road.

"Miss Delaney's immediate thought was that he had killed it," said Miss Kenyon. "Her son Cody confronted him and this led to him going for the younger man."

She showed CCTV footage which showed Volter put Cody to the floor where he repeatedly punched him.

In a victim impact statement, Miss Delaney said the defendant's behaviour had scared her.

"He is nothing more than a bully," she said.

Daniel Frazer, in mitigation, said his client's initial decision to leave the house had been a good one.

"What he can't explain is why he picked up the cat and then why he threw it into oncoming traffic," said Mr Frazer.

He said the incident involving Cody had initially been his client defending himself.

"He accepts that when he got him on the floor he should have stopped but he didn't and he went too far," said Mr Frazer.