A FEMALE passenger jumped out of a car as it was still moving and the driver tried to climb into the back seat after being followed onto a car park by police.

Blackburn magistrates heard Afzal Hussain, who was clearly intoxicated, later refused to provide a blood sample.

Hussain, 46, of Milford Road, Bolton, was convicted after trial of failing to provide a specimen for analysis. He was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for 24 months and made subject to a community order for 12 months with 15 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 200 hours unpaid work. He was banned from driving for 30 months and ordered to pay £620 costs and £128 victim surcharge.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said the Audi A3 driven by Hussain was spotted on the M65 swerving across lanes.

After leaving at junction 5 it again straddled the lanes on Haslingden Road, Blackburn, before pulling onto the Sports Direct car park.

"While the car was still moving the rear door opened and a female got out," said Miss Kenyon.

"The defendant was trying to climb into the back seat when officers detained him."

She said Hussain tensed as officers tried to handcuff him and he used a knee strike before taking Hussain to the floor.

"The defendant sustained an injury during his arrest and was taken to hospital where he refused to provide a sample of blood," said Miss Kenyon.

James Street, defending, said his client did not accept that he failed to provide a sample.

"He sustained a serious head injury during the course of his arrest and that was why he was taken to hospital," said Mr Street.

"He does not recall refusing to provide."