A DRUG addict who moved from Plymouth to Blackburn in a bid for rehabilitation ended up being sent to prison.

Blackburn magistrates heard Thomas Michael Netherton committed numerous shoplifting offences and also failed to comply with a community order imposed for earlier offences.

Netherton, 34, of Hollin Bridge Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to seven charges of shoplifting and breach of a community order. The community order was revoked and he was jailed for a total of 26 weeks and ordered to pay £128 victim surcharge on release.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said in six visits to Morrisons Netherton had stolen bottles of gin, vodka and Jack Daniels worth a total of £537.

The final offence was at Marks and Spencer where Netherton stole steaks worth £100.

"He told police he was stealing to sell for cash which the prosecution says was to fund his drug addiction," said Miss Kenyon.

"He is currently on a drug rehabilitation programme and is in breach of a community order."

Zabair Afzal, defending, said Netherton admitted stealing to fund his drug addiction.

"He moved from Plymouth earlier this year hoping for a fresh start and rehabilitation," said Mr Afzal. "He has a reliance on heroin and crack cocaine."