A MAN who turned to drink following the death of his wife was caught behind the wheel as he drove home from the pub.

Blackburn magistrates heard Daniel Cambridge was more than double the drink drive limit.

Cambridge, 57, of Hardman Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. He was fined £106 with £85 costs and £42 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 18 months.

Natasha Clark, prosecuting, said Cambridge was seen by police driving slowly and he was stopped because of the poor standard of his driving.

Simon Farnsworth, defending, said his client's wife, a deputy head teacher had died in 2020.

"He admits that since then he has fallen apart and his drinking has got a little bit out of control," said Mr Farnsworth. "On this night he was going to leave the car and walk home from the pub but a friend asked him for a lift and he foolishly agreed."