LANCASHIRE'S police and crime commissioner Andrew Snowden is spending £40,000 replacing baseball caps with traditional flat hats for the county's coppers.

The move - which its claimed will "reinforce police officers as authority figures" - has however been questioned, with thousands in taxpayers cash being spent on the new headgear.

Mr Snowden and chief constable Chris Rowley have agreed to make the change for all but public order duties.

Female officers will be given the option of wearing bowler hats which will include the force insignia, while traffic police will be given traditional white flat caps.

The Labour leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council Cllr Phil Riley said: "It seems an odd thing to do.

"I don't see how it will help with the priorities that public have for policing.

"It seems and odd way to spend £40,000. There must be better ways of spending it."

Mr Rowley announced his decision internally last week.

Traffic officers will be re-issued with white flat caps ensuring they are clearly visible when dealing with road traffic incidents whilst PCSO flat caps will be distinguishable by a blue band.

Baseball caps were introduced in 2016 as part of a new police uniform which included new black jackets, black body armour, lightweight high-vis jacket and black shirts. This will remain.

Conservative PCC Mr Snowden said: "This change is about reinforcing the figures of authority police officers should be in our communities.

"The uniform and appearance of police officers is an important part of that and I think the baseball caps were a backward step in how modern policing is presented given that now more than ever the values of respect, pride and professionalism are so important.

"Police officers are expected to behave and conduct themselves in a professional way that inspires public confidence, so ensuring the uniforms they wear also uphold those standards is important.

"This is why we have taken this decision to embrace the long-standing proud heritage of British policing and return to the smarter, traditional headwear. I know this will be warmly welcomed."

The caps have been funded by his Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner at a cost of £40,000 to the taxpayer.

Mr Rowley said: "This issue has been raised with me consistently for more than a year by officers who don’t like wearing the baseball caps.

"I’ve always felt that traditional headgear is smarter and presents a more professional appearance to the public.

"I make it clear to my staff – both new recruits and those officers with more service – that I have high standards. I expect them to be smart when on duty."