Residents of a street left untreated for 30 years took their plea for it to be resurfaced direct to senior councillors.

176 householders in Lambeth Street, Audley, had petitioned Blackburn with Darwen Council asking for repairs.

But on learning the authority's executive board was recommended to refuse their request, spokesman Ayub Bahadur took their battle to its meeting on Thursday night (August 11).

The meeting confirmed the rejection of the petition but regeneration boss Councillor Quesir Mahmood said Lambeth Street would be surveyed as part the council's regular road inspection programme in October.

Mr Bahadur said afterwards: "I am happy with that."

Earlier he told the senior councillors: "It is quite upsetting and frustrating that in more 30 years that this road has not be resurfaced due to lack of funding.

"I doubt that this road will ever be done in another 30 years because it will always be the same answer. We have asked for a small stretch of road to be resurfaced.

"Its statement that there is low volume of traffic is incorrect because this stretch of road takes traffic from five joining road.

"This is very popular street and has high volume of traffic and pedestrian flow.

"We do feel that the council are out of touch with reality.

"I would urge that the decision is deferred to the next meeting and in the meantime, I would like to invite council officers to visit the street and meet the ward councillors.

Cllr Mahmood told him: "All adopted roads are inspected in accordance with our approved procedure which sets out how frequently highways should be inspected, what defects are picked up and the repair timescale for the defects found on the carriageway.

"Lambeth Street is classified as inspection category five which means it will be inspected a minimum of once a year.

"In 2022 there have been 12 repairs completed on Lambeth Street and at the junction of Lambeth Street and Nottingham Street. Seven of the repairs were on the carriageway, the other five repairs were on footpaths, damaged kerbs and in a back alley.

"Lambeth Street is due for its annual inspection in October 2022.

"I am happy to write to the petitioner following the annual carriageway inspection to let them know what action, if any, we intend to take."