A FURIOUS row about parking almost derailed the granting of backdated planning permission for a part-built two-storey extension to a busy Blackburn Mosque.

Councillors split along party lines to approve a half-constructed new ladies' hall at the Madina Masjid in Oak Street in Bastwell.

Tories on Blackburn with Darwen planning and highways committee joined with Liberal Democrat Cllr Paul Browne in opposing the permission but were defeated by the Labour majority.

Several objections from nearby residents have been received and borough planning manager Gavin Prescott admitted: “This application has been recommended for approval in relatively marginal terms and it should be noted at this stage any further increases in the capacity of the site are unlikely to receive the council’s support.”

Conservative regeneration spokesman Cllr Paul Marrow highlighted a report from the borough highways department which 'We would not support the application as no additional off-street vehicle parking is proposed in support of the development'.

It outlined how instead of adding 13 new parking spaces for the extension four would actually be lost.

Blackburn Central's Labour councillor Mahfooz Hussain said that the mosque committee had submitted a 'green travel plan' which said would work with many of the female worshippers walking to services.

He was backed by council regeneration boss Cllr Quesir Mahmood who said: "They have put in a green travel plan. I have seen these at other locations and they have worked."

Cllr Marrow said: "Who is going to monitor the green travel plan?

"If it doesn't work what do we do?

"Once planning is passed it is too late.

"It's retrospective as well. We cannot support his application."

His Conservative colleague Cllr Jacquie Slater said: "It is retrospective and they shouldn't get away with it."

Borough highways engineer Saf Alam said she had visited the site and seen marshals being used to direct traffic and parking adding: "If it doesn't work, I will be looking at what more we can do."

Tory Cllr Derek Hardman said: "Highways and planning are back pedalling as usual."

Cllr Marrow called for a pedestrian crossing to be installed as Oak Street was a busy road.

Cllr Hussain said: "The issue of a pedestrian crossing is something the green travel plan will address. There is not an increase in the numbers. The worshippers are already using the mosque and we want to deliver more walking."

Committee chairman Cllr Dave Smith put the application to the vote and planning permission was granted.