A predatory paedophile who groomed and repeatedly raped a teenage girl has been jailed for life.

Chris Morriss groomed the youngster by buying her presents before assaulting her to satisfy his perverted sexual urges.

The girl described how her whole family had changed because of what Morriss had done and how he had robbed her of the chance to be a normal teenager.

Morriss, 49, formerly of Denecliff, Liverpool was convicted of ten rapes on the 13-year-old and was jailed for life earlier this week.

He must serve at least 11 years before he is eligible to apply for parole. The judge described him as a dangerous offender.

Police launched an investigation in 2021 after it came to light Morriss had breached the terms of the sex offenders register since his release from prison for previous sexual offences.

He had entered a long-term relationship with a woman who did not know about his history, staying at her home in West Lancashire.

Morriss changed his name to avoid detection but was jailed for three-and-a-half years last year.

It was during that investigation that the rapes of the 13-year-old were uncovered. 

Sgt Martin Walker said: “Morriss is a dangerous and predatory paedophile who groomed this young girl and then repeatedly raped her.

 “The impact of his actions on this teenager cannot be overstated – he has effectively stolen her childhood.

“This sentence means that this dangerous man will be off the streets for a significant time and will be unable to target any other children.”

Senior Crown Prosecutor for the North West Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit, Brett Gerrity said: “Chris Morriss is a dangerous sexual predator who has ruined another young girl’s life.

"He groomed her with gifts before taking full advantage of her for his own sexual gratification without any regard for the damage he was causing her.

“In her victim impact statement, the girl said her whole family has changed because of what he did to her as all they do is worry about her.

"She hasn’t had a chance to discover who she is or who she is meant to be. She wants him in prison so he can’t do this to anyone else."