Concern has been raised by police after a campfire was left to burn in some woods overnight.

Bottles of booze and rubbish were also found nearby, with officers saying it was fortunate the fire had not spread.

The fire was spotted in Hurstwood reservoir woods by an officer on Friday morning, who managed to extinguish the smouldering remains before any further damage was caused.

Police are now pleading with people not to light fires in wooded or grassy areas like this, especially over the coming days as the mercury is set rise dramatically.

PCSO 7326 Hill from Burnley police said: "It has come to my attention today that a campfire has been started at some point between yesterday evening and this morning in Hurstwood reservoir woods.

"The catchment control officer for the Hurstwood area has noticed the fire this morning that had been left.

"Thankfully, the officer has managed to put the fire out but as you can see from the photos, it has caused quite a mess.

"The fire has not been set up with any concern for the fact the fire could spread and cause further issues.

"There was also a number of alcohol bottles and rubbish found nearby.

"There is a real concern that over the weekend and into next week the temperature is going to be increasing and as such areas like this are going to find an increase in members of the public.

"If you see any fires being started or any campfires looking like they are being set up please call the police on 101 to get the incident logged as well as the fire service so they can attend.

"Patrols are going to be paying passing attention to the area over the weekend and into next week.

"This is not something we want to be having to make people aware off."