A LOCAL authority heard it had slashed the number of empty homes in its borough by almost 50 percent as councillors approved buying up 16 more.

Head of street scene Joanne Swift told Burnley Council's executive that since the start of its empty homes programme in 2004 the number of vacant properties reached its height in 2009 when there were 3,232. Since then, the number has steadily fallen and last year reached a new low figure of 1,832.

A further 90 houses are set to be brought back into use this year.

Cllr John Harbour, the council’s housing boss, said: “Long-term empty properties can cause a blight on our communities and attract crime and anti-social behaviour. By bringing empty houses back into use we’re helping to improve the quality of life for those who live around them.”

His praised was echoed by former borough leader Cllr Mark Townsend who said: I am delighted at this remarkable achievement'

Burnley Council’s executive meeting on Wednesday approved the purchase of the 16 vacant houses on Wednesday.

The senior councillors authorised starting the process of making Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) for the houses.

They approved a programme of external property facelifting works on Albion Street Padiham, Wytham Street Padiham, and to the rears of Windsor Street and Ivory Street in Burnley.

The executive also authorised building a property on the site of 10A Briercliffe Road, suitable for a family with a disabled member.

Finance boss Cllr Sue Graham praised the plan saying it would end the 'eyesore' caused when the original house burnt down and provide a much needed home for a less able resident of the borough.

The 16 empty homes earmarked for compulsory purchase are 18 Russell Terrace, Padiham; 22 Wythburn Close, Burnley; 25 Crow Wood, Burnley; 38 Woodbine Road, Burnley; 12 and 39 Herbert Street, Burnley; 47 Piccadilly Road, Burnley; 7 Parkinson Street Burnley; 80 Reed Street, Burnley; 17, 23 and 25 Thurston Street, Burnley; 24 Newman Street, Burnley; 10A Briercliffe Road, Burnley; 91 Basnett Street, Burnley; and 18 Raglan Road Burnley.