Pupils from a Blackburn school have earned international accreditation for the fifth year running, having been recognised for their efforts to be more environmentally friendly.

Students at Wensley Fold Academy collaborated with their teacher Miss Butler to conduct an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly their school is and have since been awarded the 'Eco-Schools Green Flag' honour.

They reviewed everything from the school’s recycling practices, to energy usage, to how environmental themes are covered in classrooms.

Building on their findings, the pupils and Miss Butler planned a year of activities that would up their green credentials.

The group connected their work to three Eco-Schools topics; litter, school grounds and biodiversity.

Activities included planting five apple trees on the school grounds and making lots of homes for both wildlife and plants.

They also created litter awareness posters which were put up around the school and conducted weekly litter picks both on the school grounds and around the local community.

Miss Butler said: “Seeing the children become so passionate about all things ECO was truly a pleasure to see.

"They took responsibility for ensuring that all the classes were following the ECO code and were confident in leading assemblies and talking to other adults about the work we do.

"They also came up with the idea of a whole school ECO week which got everyone involved and brought ECO to the forefront of everyone’s minds. I am so proud of the confident, passionate and hardworking pupils they have become."

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, added: “Earning an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award takes passion, commitment and a desire to make a difference. Pupils should be proud of their great work. They’re an inspiration and it makes us feel heartened and positive about the future of our planet.”