THERE has been little sympathy for Boris Johnson today as East Lancashire Conservative MPs and councillors heaved a sigh of relief that he had finally resigned.

But there was division over whether he should stay on as caretaker Prime Minister until the autumn or leave 10 Downing Street immediately.

Hyndburn council's Tory group leader Cllr Marlene Haworth and her Burnley counterpart Cllr Alan Hosker want him to quit now.

But Hyndburn MP Sara Britcliffe and Blackburn with Darwen Council Conservative group boss Cllr John Slater want him to stay in office until a new leader is chosen.

Most senior Tories were tight-lipped about who should take over but Brexit opportunities minister Jacob Rees-Mogg, defence secretary and Lancashire MP Ben Wallace, ex-chancellor Rishi Sunak and former cabinet NHS boss Sajid Javid were all tipped for the job.

Miss Britcliffe said: "I think it is sad how it's ended for the Prime Minister. We were just unable to govern with what we have seen in the past 48 hours.

"I do believe that man has done a lot of good and has been very committed to the 'levelling up' of Hyndburn and Haslingden delivering the vaccine roll-out and being a strong leader through the Brexit process and the crisis in Ukraine.

"Who should take over - my decision will be focussed on who will continue to deliver the levelling up agenda.

"I think he should continue until a new leader is found."

Rossendale and Darwen MP Jake Berry said: "A momentous day in British politics in which the Prime Minister has announced he will step down and a new Conservative leader and by extension Prime Minister will be found.

"I want to assure everyone that I remain committed to fighting for our area and to ensure the legacy of levelling up continues to be at the heart of British Government."

Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson - who was promoted to the Cabinet as Minister without Portfolio this morning - said: "I have loyally supported our last three Prime Ministers and our party in delivering for the country.

"Now that Boris Johnson has decided to resign we must ensure a smooth transition."

Mr Higginbotham said: “I will always be grateful to the Prime Minister for what he has achieved. His leadership has seen us deliver under the most difficult of circumstances.

"Given the sequence of events and the inability of the government to function properly during these past few weeks, the time was right for him to go."

Burnley Council Tory group leader Alan Hosker said: "I think Boris did a good job on Brexit, Covid and with Ukraine.

"I thought his cabinet let him down. Not being truthful to the people of this country was the final straw.

"I think Boris should go now. If we are going to have a change lets get it done and dusted.

"I would like Jacobs Rees-Mogg or another Brexiteer MP to be the new leader."

Cllr Slater said: "This was an unfortunate end to what could have been a great Prime Ministership.

"Boris should carry on as caretaker Prime Minister until a new leader is chosen.

"The party will now choose a new leader. There are plenty of excellent candidates.

"I just hope that we go back to our natural base and Thatcherite policies of low taxation and a smaller state."

Cllr Haworth said: "Boris has done the right thing finally.

"He should go now not stay on as a caretaker leader.

"The government needs to start running country and dealing with the cost of living crisis. It can't do that with Boris in Number 10. He can't put a cabinet together."

Ribble Valley Tory MP Nigel Evans said: "I am grateful to Boris Johnson for his service as Prime Minister.

"I campaigned for Brexit and supported his leadership.

"His legacy will speak for itself."

Ribble Valley Council's Conservative leader Cllr Stephen Atkinson said: "I support the Prime Minister's decision to resign because we need a functioning government.

"It is sad. There has been no other recent Prime Minister challenged like he has been.

"I shall wait to see who the leaderhip candidates are but I have been impressed by Sajid Javid and Ben Wallace."

Cllr Nadeem Ahmed, the Conservative leader of Pendle Council, said: "Boris had to go. There had been numerous mistakes and errors of judgement.

"I haven't given who should be the new leader much thought.

"There will be several big hitters starting with Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid."

Blackburn Labour MP Kate Hollern said: "The country desperately needed this shameful chapter to be brought to a close.

"Boris should leave Number 10 now

"It’s clear that changing the Tory at the top is not enough.

“The Conservatives have been in power for 12 years and all they have to show for it is chaos and crisis."