A TEENAGE sex offender went off the map after being thrown out of his sheltered accommodation.

Blackburn magistrates heard Joshua Henry Dunning failed to tell police were he was living and when he was eventually found he had been staying with his girlfriend who had a young child.

Dunning, 18, of no fixed address pleaded guilty to reaching sex offender registration requirements by failing to notify police of his address and staying at an address where a child resides for over 12 hours without informing the police. He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Suzanne Ludlow, prosecuting, said Dunning had been kicked out of Whittle Court. He should have reported his new address or the fact that he didn't have an address to the police withing three days.

"The police were trying to locate him and it was nearly a month before they discovered he had been living at the address of his partner who has an 18 months old child," said Miss Ludlow.

Daniel Frazer, defending, said after he was evicted from Whittle Court his client should have gone to the police and told them what had happened and kept them informed of where he was staying.

"There is no suggestion he has committed any other offences," said Mr Frazer.